The H.R. Nicholls Society was founded in 1986.

The Society is a committed advocate for sensible industrial relations reform.

It aims to:

  • promote discussion about the operation of industrial relations in Australia including the system of determining wages and other conditions of employment;

  • promote the rule of law with respect to employers and employee organisations alike;

  • promote reform of the current wage-fixing system; and

  • support the necessity for labour relations to be conducted in such a way as to promote economic development in Australia.

The Society’s ambition is to transform Australia’s labour market into a job-creating and wealth-generating engine of growth and prosperity.

As well as publishing original research and providing submissions to Government, The Society holds an annual national conference and publishes its proceedings.

Join the Society

Membership of The H.R. Nicholls Society is open to all people who support its aims.

Financial members receive complimentary new volumes of the Society’s proceedings, as well as discounted admission to our conferences and other events.