Stay up to date with our latest announcements, media releases, and expert commentary on workplace relations and economic reform.
Australia Risks Falling Behind as Trump Signals Aggressive Deregulation
President Trump’s re-election raises the stakes for Australia’s global competitiveness, as his incoming administration prepares sweeping deregulation to supercharge U.S. productivity. Meanwhile, Australia remains stuck in a productivity slump, with no relief in sight.
The Employment Act: A New Landmark Workplace Reform Proposal
The Employment Act recommends sweeping changes across five core areas, from abolishing Modern Awards, which have long failed both employers and employees, to reinstating enterprise bargaining as a key driver of productivity growth.
Multi-employer bargaining the final blow to Australia's lagging productivity
Multi-employer bargaining will threaten businesses and set Australia back decades — it must be reversed before it wipes out jobs.
Enterprise Unions to Improve Construction Industry Culture
It is time the Federal Government amend the Fair Work Act to facilitate the registration of new and competing unions, such as enterprise unions.
Police Taskforce & Royal Commission Needed to Uncover CFMEU Crimes
All current inquiries into the alleged criminality and corruption within the CFMEU will fail due to inadequate resourcing and lack of real will, Victorian silk Frank Parry KC warns.
Legislative change needed to terminate CFMEU Agreements
Urgent legislative change is needed to terminate CFMEU-backed Enterprise Bargaining Agreements crippling construction projects across Australia.
Federal Government Must End Monopoly Representation Rights Of CFMEU
The Federal Government must now act to remove the CFMEU's monopoly representation rights, following recent allegations of corruption and criminality within the ranks of the super union.
Demerger Amendment Will Fail To Rein In CFMEU Conduct
Amendments to the Fair Work Act to facilitate the demerger of the CFMEU will do absolutely nothing to constrain the conduct of the union.
Australia held to ransom without a construction regulator
The H.R. Nicholls Society is calling for the reestablishment of a construction industry regulator following reported threats from CFMEU Victorian leader John Setka to impose a “work to rule” campaign against the AFL.
Wages Decision Increases Long Term Economic Pain
Inflation will be baked into the economy and become increasingly challenging to reverse as a result of today's decision by the Fair Work Commission to increase modern award minimum wages by 3.75 per cent.
CFMEU move into Local Government a Disaster
Reports today that the Victorian CFMEU is making a play to cover Local Government workers is cause for serious alarm
H.R. Nicholls Appoints New Leadership Team
THE H.R. Nicholls Society is pleased to announce Frank Parry KC as its new President, bringing 34 years of experience at the Victorian Bar specialising in industrial relations and employment.