Submission on the Draft Report of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Review

As a policy organisation committed to advancing workplace relations that promote flexibility, productivity, and economic growth, we are deeply concerned that the reforms under the Secure Jobs, Better Pay legislation entrench rigidities that stifle business innovation, limit job creation, and ultimately harm both employers and employees.

While others may seek to adjust or refine these reforms, we believe they are fundamentally flawed and should be repealed.

While others may challenge the Draft Report’s assertion that the Secure Jobs, Better Pay reforms are achieving the Australian Government’s intent and “with minimal unintended consequences”, we argue that this is irrelevant.

When the intent itself is fundamentally flawed—misguided at best, and deliberately harmful at worst—whether the policy is ‘working’ is a meaningless question. A bad policy achieving bad objectives is not a success; it is a failure by design.These laws have added layers of complexity and bureaucracy, discouraged job creation, and increased the compliance burden on businesses at a time when productivity growth is at a historic low.